Thursday, May 31, 2012


Today, I realized that I need a child in my life.  Right now.  I know six and a half months isn't long to be waiting for a match, and two and a half years isn't long in terms of trying to become parents, but it certainly feels like a long time.  I volunteer in the church nursery, and I enjoy it a lot.  I want more of that. 

Today, I signed up to be a Big Sister.  I recently wrote in a post that you don't sign on to long-term commitments when you're waiting, but I'm making this one.  It's for a year minimum, two days a month.  We could still be waiting years for us to be matched, to become a mom and dad, but I can mentor a kid who needs a little extra positive adult influence right now.  I want to take a little girl to the zoo, and make craft projects, and go mini golfing and to the park. 

Why wait for that, too?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you signed up! You are going to be a great Big Sister!! :)
