Thursday, December 20, 2012

New beginnings

I haven't written in quite some time, so I figured it was time to stop by and give a little update.

Honestly, it's been so long, I don't even know where to start.  I feel as though this blog should be devoted to adoption-related news, and what we consider news these days...well, it's not the same as it used to be.  Now, when we get a potential matching situation, we keep it much more under wraps, because we don't want to get our hopes up, much less get our familys' hopes up. 

So in the spirit of keeping this blog current, I'm just going to talk about what IS new with us.

I started a new job a couple weeks ago, and it's been a Godsend.  My old company wasn't particularly supportive of women in general, and new mothers even less so.  They told me they'd let me work part-time after we were placed, but I had a strong feeling it was just lip service.  Not to mention that the hour long commute was really stressful. 

My new employer is a very small family-owned business, and when I told my boss about the adoption, she was excited for us.  She said that if we matched tomorrow, it wouldn't put my job in any danger, and they'll be happy to work with me to create a schedule that fits our new needs.  The work suits me, and I love the environment.  Add in that it's only 3 miles from our house, and it's a perfect fit.  I feel like a weight has been lifted!

Doug's continuing to work with a personal trainer, and I've started training for a half-marathon in the spring.  That's a big change for both of us.  We're making a concerted effort to be healthy, and now that my health and unhappy work situation aren't stressing us out, we have no excuse not to take care of ourselves.

We're excited for Christmas, and for a great start to a new year. 

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